ExpensePoint - A Corporate Traveler's Newest Perk! - Expense Report Automation
Techhnology firm GlobalPoint Technologies today launched its new automated travel expense report software solution, 'ExpensePoint'. This newly developed expense report software allows companies to implement and fully customize their own unique expense report solution.
"Not only does ExpensePoint streamline the very tedious task of filing travel expense reports, but it also allows companies to drastically reduce the high processing costs associated with the expense report process" explains GlobalPoint President, Paul Ansloos. "The other unique thing about ExpensePoint unlike its U.S. based competitors, is that you don't have to have a fortune 500 company budget in order to invest in this kind of a solution"
ExpensePoint is priced to allow all companies who want to have an automated expense report process with the ability to do so. Whether you have 10 traveling employees or thousands, ExpensePoint can easily manage your expense report process and as well help your company achieve a very impressive 'Return on Investment'.
This new paperless process allows employees to submit expense reports from virtually anywhere around the globe, and gives approvers the ability to review employee expense reports on-screen and approve them within minutes of filing.
For more information about GlobalPoint Technologies and ExpensePoint visit www.expensepoint.com
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