Monday, January 22, 2007

A New Technology for a New Year!!!

A New Years resolution for many technology buyers is to automate their business processes in order to increase productivity and save money. With the upcoming release of Vista and various other new solutions to improve business processes organizations are looking to buy these types of solutions.

ExpensePoint is just that, a solution that will save companies money while increasing productivity time for their employees and increase overall control and accountability in a business atmosphere which demands it. It is important that ExpensePoint is put in the forefront with a sense of urgancy for all solution buyers.

The question all solution buyers should be asking themselves is not, should we automate our expense reporting process, but rather, who should we automate our expense reporting process with. The easy answer is of course ExpensePoint. With ExpensePoint's low cost and ease of use we should be the solution of choice within our industry. Our list of features is continuing to grow with several new features slated to be released later this quarter.

We had a great 2006 and are looking for an even better 2007.

For more information visit


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